So my nifty Ghetto DNS for Rackspace Cloud backfired on me.
I spent several hours (!?) trying to figure out why (1) the recipe works on my dev environment, (2) the recipe works at our in-house Xen Cloud Server environment, and (3) the recipe refuses to work on the Rackspace Cloud Server.
I had narrowed it down to the fact that:
search(:node, "rackspace_private_ip:#{rackspace_hosts[:private_net]}" ) do |n|
ip = n[:rackspace][:private_ip]
hostnames = [ n[:fqdn] ]
hostnames << (n[:rackspace][:private_aliases] || []).sort
hosts[ip] = hostnames.flatten
... was not in fact pulling down node[:rackspace][:private_aliases]. It was not setting it from the override_attributes of the roles properly. It was ignoring what I had set with knife node edit. It should have tipped me off that every time I ran chef-client, node[:rackspace][:private_aliases] was getting overwritten. Instead, I focused on the fact that I had compiled ruby with threads enabled, and maybe, just maybe, chef-solr-indexer had corrupted solr or something. (It didn't). I ended up wiping the solr data directory and forced a reindex ... and it still came out the same.
Finally, out of sheer flailing around, I finally saw a detail I had missed in the growing red haze of frustration. The Rackspace server had a "public_ip" attribute set that I had not set at all. Where did that come from? Suspicion blossomed. I ran ohai on the Rackspace Cloud server, and here is the lesson learned:
ohai manages the rackspace namespace if you are on Rackspace Cloud. Don't touch it!
I have no idea whether this had always been there or not, though I did notice a knife rackspace option pop up since 0.8.16. The fact that ohai will automagically detect Rackspace private ip is awesome -- I don't have to use my own version, except when I'm trying to emulate Rackspace. I'll probably split that out into its own recipe, and use the :ghetto_dns namespace for the host aliases instead.
Another action item: I will be more assertive about asking Opscode for a Changelog -- assuming they are not keeping up with it. And assuming that I ever get out of this Chef iteration I'm not supposed to be operating in...
But for those of you itching to develop your own recipes for Rackspace, now you know.
Hi, I am thinking of using Chef to configure some Gentoo machines with Rackspace. I see that portage now has Chef 0.9.8 -- do you know if the process has improved since your last post?